Stereogram No. 1

Stereogram No. 1, dedicated to James Pankow of the jazz-rock group Chicago.  The popularity of Chicago along with Pankow’s distinctive and innovative style of playing, and talents as a songwriter, arranger, and improviser distinguish him as one of the most accomplished and singular trombone voices in popular music.  For many listeners of a certain age, his is the iconic popular trombone sound of their era.

“Pankow” is primarily an expressive etude, which is intended for performance in a wide variety of settings.  Jazz, Blues and other popular American idioms are the inspiration for many of the Stereograms.  These are essentially distilled improvisations or “jams”. As such, the rhythms-and in particular the repetitive bass rhythms, are intended to be subject to tasteful variation, improvisation, and the personality of the advanced player.

“Pankow” is essentially a two-part Stereogram, which capitalizes on the alternation between a steady bass pattern (which has been rhythmically simplified), and the melody (which has been limited in both note-choice and range).  I believe this to be my attempt to work out a simplified way of both composing and communicating my Stereogram concept. No. 1 is an ideal Stereogram for the uninitiated to begin their journey through this concept of playing bass trombone (or tenor trombone with ‘F’-attachment).

Try practicing just the bass line by placing particular emphasis on the groove (or feel), and the intonation of the “F”-attachment notes. Next, perform only the melody.  Any scoops or falls should be subtle, and primary emphasis should again be placed on the groove and intonation.  A convenient guide for the distinction between the bass and the melody may be found in the dynamic indications.  The piece relies on an ascending chromatic bass line and increased note choices in the contrasting section to create climax and maintain interest through contrast.  A brief opportunity for improvisation is included prior to the D. C.

Stereogram No. 1 was actually the second original Stereogram I wrote-(No. 2 being the first).  I remember in writing both, that the ideas of how to proceed were just coming together in my mind.  Where No. 2 was primarily a jam, which found its way to a tape-recorder, I remember that No. 1 was a jam which found its way to the piano-(although in the key of F major).

Please help yourself to a copy of Stereogram No. 1.  If you are interested in purchasing more Stereograms, please note where the original collection (of Nos. 1-20), are available for sale using the provided links. Â Please return each month to for additional free trombone and bass trombone music.

Also, look for an upcoming Stereogram treatment of “How Great Thou Art” with a Latin flavor available exclusively on Doug Yeo’s fabulous trombone related-website:


C. 2011 David William Brubeck All Rights Reserved.

1 Stereogram Bbone  page 1
1 Stereogram Bone page 2

Stereograms are available from Hickey’s music and other fine retailers.

Stereograms Not. 1-20, Advanced-Intermediate Original Compositions for bass trombone/bass clef instruments

Stereograms Nos. 21-30, Advanced-Intermediate Original Compositions for bass trombone/bass clef instruments

Stereograms A-M, Beginner-Intermediate Arrangements for bass trombone/bass clef instruments

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