DUO BRUBECK TO Be Featured as Part of the Arts at St. John’s Concert Series

Miami's Own DUO BRUBECK Tom Lippincott, Guitar Mitch Farber, Guitar David Brubeck, Bass Tormbone

Miami’s Own
Tom Lippincott, Guitar
Mitch Farber, Guitar
David Brubeck, Guitar

Miami’s own, DUO BRUBECK has very special plans for our October concert Date at St. John’s. Mark the date!

On Saturday, 24 October at 2:00 pm, the program will feature music for the young at heart and include an introduction to basic elements of music and jazz geared for all ages!

As part of our presentation, we plan to give away 20 Copies of the illustrated primer “Violin, Violin, What Do You Hear?” written by David Brubeck and illustrated by award-winning water-color artist, Barbie Brubeck. This introduction to the basic instruments of the orchestra features full color illustrations of each instrument.

The music for Arts at St. Johns will include all new duo treatments of favorite children’s songs such as “You are My Sunshine”, and “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” as well as fresh arrangements of claasics by Jobim, Ellington and Stevie Wonder. Most arrangements are based on Brubeck’s Stereogram concept inspired by the Cello Suites of Bach and the unaccompanied vocal solos of Bobby McFerrin, or the harmonic vistas of Lippincott.

Each selection will begin with a simple statement of the children’s song. Then, the melodies will be played again adjusted for different rhythms like reggae and swing. Finally, the melody will emerge as a full-fledged DUO BRUBECK arrangement featuring the unique harmonic imaginings and virtuosic improvisations of Tom Lippincott, winner of the Guitar Player Magazine “Ultimate Guitar Player” Contest. Lippincott has pioneered and perfected the 8 string guitar, and his finger picking style of playing sounds at times more like a harpist or a pianist than a guitarist. This GENIUS of the guitar creates expansive tonal paintings which the listener is invited to enter.

Brubeck, a third cousin of the legendary jazz pianist, will add in his unique brand of beat-box bass trombone playing with rhythmic self accompaniment which he calls Stereograms. More than 50 Stereograms have been published by Cherry Classics, The International Trombone Association Press and others and have been performed and recorded around the globe. Brubeck has appeared as a solo artist for the International Conferences of the Trombone, Trumpet, Euphonium AND Tuba Associations, and has performed with Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder.

Mitch Farber, the third regular member of the duo, will make a special appearance. This marks only the third time all three have appeared on the same concert. Farber is a legendary Miami riff-master and guitar shredder who adds the funk and groove to the affair. Having toured the world with musicians such as Julio Iglesias, Farber’s appearnce will mark an additional treat for listener’s ears.

For the young at heart, but definitely not kids stuff! Miami’s Own DUO BRUBECK (the originators of the jazz guitar & bass trombone duo), will present a feast of new and totally fresh jazz arrangements suitable for the novice and the connoisseur!

c. 2015 David William Brubeck All Rights Reserved. www.davidbrubeck.com

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